Looking for more information on Halloween Oirschot?
Then read the FAQ here to find answers to frequently asked questions! Also check here for more information.
Where can I park?
If possible, come on foot or by bike. If you come by car, follow P Halloween from the access roads . You will then be directed to the nearest largest parking area. Parking at Halloween is free.
Check here for the map with parking options.
I live in the city centre, what about parking and accessibility?
If you live in the route area, we ask for your understanding to consider the following:
The Market will be occupied until 01:00 am.
Finally, we thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If there is anything prior, during or after the event. Please call or Whatapp us on 0499 – 216 514.
Between 18.00 and 23.00, it is not possible to enter/exit the route area by car. Cycling through the route area is also not recommended.
If you want to be able to leave by car at all times during this time, please park your car outside the road closures/route area. Check here for the map.
If possible, park your car in its own driveway.
Are you receiving guests or have you done your shopping online? If so, do not receive them between 6pm and 11pm.
As a resident of the centre, do I also have to buy a ticket?
As a downtown resident, do you also want to enjoy all these horror acts? Then we also ask you to support Halloween by buying a ticket. Tickets will be checked not only at entry points, but also at larger acts. Buy your ticket easily online.
You can also walk into Visit Oirschot (Oude Raadhuis) from 2 October for a ticket (you won’t pay an online booking fee).
Opening hours: open Wednesday to Saturday from 11am – 3pm.
Can I buy a ticket on the day itself?
Buy your ticket here in time so you don’t have to wait in a queue.
At the entry points to the route, you will find a QR code where you can buy an online ticket.
Physical tickets will be available until Saturday the 26th 3pm at the Visit Oirschot counter (Oude Raadhuis Markt 1) After that, only online.
I come as a visitor for a hospitality venue or otherwise, is this possible? And what about ticket control?
Visiting the hospitality industry? Make sure you arrive at your venue before 6.30pm. From 6.30pm onwards, the ticket vending points will be manned. From then on, anyone who wants to enter the centre should buy a ticket.
Want to go on the route after your catering visit? Then buy a ticket at one of the entry points. Tickets will also be checked at acts. Only ticketed visitors will have access. Look for a map here.
Can I come later than 7pm and how long does the route take?
Yes you can. The route is open from 7pm and lasts until 10.30pm. The route itself is about 3 kilometres long. Keep in mind that you will be on the road longer in case of (big) crowds. There may be queues.
Is Halloween Oirschot suitable for my child?
Halloween is not just a horror ride through Oirschot. It can be quite exciting and scary for children. We therefore advise against Halloween for smaller children and use a recommended age of 10-12 years. Even this is not a ‘guarantee’. After all, Halloween creates excitement and fear. Assess in advance whether Halloween is suitable for your child. Entering is at your own risk!
Are toilets available?
For a sanitary stop, you can visit mobile toilets on the route. See where the toilets are here.
You are also welcome in the Old Council House, where there are 3 toilets and a disabled toilet. (For this, ring the bell downstairs so you can use the lift).
Will Halloween continue if it rains?
Yes, even then Halloween goes on as usual! The acts and organisation are all set and we are not deterred by some wetness! Is it a bit wet: put on a mackintosh or bring your umbrella. Perfect Halloween weather!!!
Where can I find a floor plan?
The digital route/plan can be found here.
I have a complaint or comment
We do everything we can to make Halloween as good and safe as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot prevent or control everything. Do you have concerns, a complaint perhaps or a comment? Then send us an email to info@halloweenoirschot.nl or call 0499- 216 514.